Convert mesh file to .msh format

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import freshkiss3d as fk

Convert a mesh file to .msh

To convert your mesh to .msh format simply call fk.convert_to_msh(file_in, file_out) with file_in and file_out being:

  • file_in: targeted mesh

  • file_out: output file for which you have to choose a name

file_in = 'inputs/tiny_square.mesh'
file_out = 'inputs/tiny_square.msh'

fk.convert_to_msh(file_in, file_out)


Mesh conversion is compatible with MEDIT .mesh and GMSH .msh file_in format.

Check file conversion succeded

TG, vertex_labels, boundary_labels = fk.read_msh(file_out)
x = np.asarray(TG.x)
y = np.asarray(TG.y)
trivtx = np.asarray(TG.trivtx)

plt.triplot(x, y, trivtx)
example convert mesh

Remove file_out which was only built for example purpose:

os.system('rm {}'.format(file_out))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.094 seconds)

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