Stationnary vortex

In this example, we test the conservation of the geostrophic equilibrium by conserving a stationnary vortex. The test case is already discribed in [10] and [11] (see References).

import os, sys
from os import listdir
import argparse
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import freshkiss3d as fk
import freshkiss3d.extra.plots as fk_plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from matplotlib import colors
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import h5py
import math

#sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--nographics', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()


def plot_free_surface_slice(triangular_mesh, H, topography, fig,
    nb_l, nb_c, plt_num,
    time, Eta0_slice=None, label=True):
    # Plt options:
    n = 100
    TG = triangular_mesh.triangulation
    x_slice = np.linspace(min(TG.x), max(TG.x), n)
    ym_slice = np.full(n, (max(TG.y) + min(TG.y)) / 2.0)

    NC = triangular_mesh.NV
    Eta = np.empty(NC, dtype='d')
    for C in range(NC):
        Eta[C] = H[C] + topography[C]

    Eta_slice = griddata((TG.x, TG.y), Eta, (x_slice, ym_slice), method = 'cubic')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(nb_l, nb_c, plt_num)
    if label:
        ax.plot(x_slice, Eta_slice, label='second order approximation(O2)')
        ax.plot(x_slice, Eta_slice, label='O2')

    if Eta0_slice is not None:
        if label:
            ax.plot(x_slice, Eta0_slice, label='initial cond (IC)')
            ax.plot(x_slice, Eta0_slice, label='IC')

    ax.set_xlim([min(x_slice), max(x_slice)])
    ax.set_ylabel("free surface (m)")
    ax.set_title("t = {:.1f}".format(time))

    return Eta_slice

dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))

Analytic solution:

The hydrostatic Euler with Coriolis and constant density is given by

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \nabla\cdot {\bf U} = 0, \\ \rho_0\left(\frac{\partial {\bf u}}{ \partial t} + \nabla_{x,y}\cdot ( {\bf u}\otimes {\bf u}) + \frac{\partial ({\bf u}w)}{\partial z}\right) + \nabla_{x,y} p = -\rho_0\Omega {\bf u}^\perp, \\ \frac{\partial p}{\partial z} = -\rho_0 g. \end{cases}\end{split}\]

First, we consider the reference case given in polar coordinates. In this case, the problem is initialized with the velocity \({\bf{u}}^0\) and the water height \(h^0\),

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} {\bf{u}}^0(r,\theta) = {\bf{\nu}}(r) \bf{e_\theta},\\ \partial_r h^0(r) = \frac{\nu(r)}{g} \left(\Omega + \frac{\nu(r)}{r} \right), \end{cases}\end{split}\]


\[{\bf{\nu}} (r) = (\alpha r \mathbb{1}_{r<R} \ + \ \alpha(2R - r)\mathbb{1}_{R\leq r < 2R}).\]

In cartesian coordinates, this gives :

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} u^0(x,y,z,t) = - \frac{y}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}} \nu \left(\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\right), \\ v^0(x,y,z,t) = \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}} \nu \left(\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\right), \\ h^0(x,y,z,t) = h^0(\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}). \end{cases}\end{split}\]


\[h^0(r) = \left(\frac{5 \varepsilon \Omega}{g} + \frac{25 \varepsilon^2}{g} ln(r)\right) \mathbb{1}_{r<1/5}\]
\[+ \left(\frac{\varepsilon}{g} (2r - \frac{5}{2}r^2) \Omega + \frac{\varepsilon^2}{g}(4ln(r) - 20r + 12.5 r^2) \right) \mathbb{1}_{1/5\leq r < 2/5}.\]
def hVortex(r, h0):
    if 0. <= r and r <= 0.2:
        return h0 + (omega + 5 * eps) * (r ** 2) * 2.5 * eps / g
    elif 0.2 < r and r <= 0.4:
        return hVortex(0.2, h0) + eps * \
        omega / g * (2 * r - 2.5 * (r ** 2) - 0.3) \
        + (eps ** 2) / g * (4 * np.log(5 * r) - 20 * r + 12.5 * r ** 2 + 3.5)
    elif 0.4 < r:
        return hVortex(0.4, h0)

def uVortex(r): # u_theta
    return eps * (5 * r * (r <= 0.2) + (2 - 5 * r) * (0.2 < r and r <= 0.4))


We assume that \(\rho = \rho_0 = 1\). In the [11], authors of choose \(\alpha = 5 \varepsilon\), where \(\varepsilon\) controls the depth of the vortex, and \(R = \frac{1}{5}\).

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \Omega = 1, \\ g = 9.81, \\ h^0 = 1, \\ z_b^0 = 0, \\ \varepsilon = 0.05. \end{cases}\end{split}\]
# Non-linear vortex:
omega = 1. # angular velocity

#Let us consider two cases:
# * In the first case we use a semi-implicite in time method
# * In the second case we use the apparent topography method, the method is only implemented for the order 1.

case = 1
if case == 1:
    PHY_PARAMS={'coriolis_effect':True, 'apparent_topo':False}

if case == 2:
    PHY_PARAMS={'coriolis_effect':True, 'apparent_topo':True}

g = 9.81
h0 = 1. # initial water height
eps = 0.05 # controls the depth of the vortex
# the smaller it is, the closer you are to the linear

Time loop:

simutime = fk.SimuTime(final_time=FINAL_TIME, time_iteration_max=1000000,
restart_times = [0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25]
restart_scheduler = fk.schedules(times=restart_times)


Also we consider a square domain \([-1, 1] \times [-1, 1]\), the average edge length of the mesh equals to 0.04.

os.system('gmsh -2 -format msh2 inputs/tiny_square.geo -o inputs/tiny_square.msh')

triangular_mesh = \
    dir_path + '/inputs/tiny_square.msh')
hm = 0.04


NL = 1
layer = fk.Layer(NL, triangular_mesh, topography=0.)
LAYER_IDX = int(NL/2)


NC = triangular_mesh.NV
x = triangular_mesh.vertices.x
y = triangular_mesh.vertices.y

h_init = np.empty(NC, dtype='d')
hu_init = np.empty((NC, NL), dtype='d')
hv_init = np.empty((NC, NL), dtype='d')

for C in range(NC):
    rt = np.sqrt(x[C] ** 2 + y[C] ** 2)
    al = np.arctan2(y[C], x[C])
    h_init[C] = hVortex(rt, h0)
    for L in range(NL):  # Correct for only one layer
        hu_init[C,L] = h_init[C] * (-np.sin(al) * uVortex(rt))
        hv_init[C,L] = h_init[C] * (np.cos(al) * uVortex(rt))

primitives = fk.Primitive(triangular_mesh, layer,

Boundary conditions:

slides = [fk.Slide(ref=r) for r in [1, 2, 3, 4]]


vtk_writer = fk.VTKWriter(triangular_mesh,
                          scheduler=fk.schedules(count=10), scale_h=10.)

h5_writer = fk.H5Writer(scheduler=restart_scheduler, \

Problem definition:

problem = fk.Problem(simutime, triangular_mesh,
                     layer, primitives,
|                          INITIALIZATION                         |
Problem size: Nodes=3014, Layers=1, Triangles=5826,
Iter =        0 ; Dt = 0.0000s ; Time =     0.00s ; ETA =     0.00s

Problem solving:

|                            TIME LOOP                            |
Iter =       26 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.03s ; ETA =    12.92s
Iter =       51 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.06s ; ETA =    12.46s
Iter =       76 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.09s ; ETA =    12.30s
Iter =      101 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.12s ; ETA =    11.90s
Iter =      126 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.15s ; ETA =    11.33s
Iter =      151 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.18s ; ETA =    10.75s
Iter =      176 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.22s ; ETA =    10.64s
Iter =      201 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.25s ; ETA =    10.42s
Iter =      226 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.28s ; ETA =    10.09s
Iter =      251 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.31s ; ETA =     9.86s
Iter =      276 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.34s ; ETA =     9.43s
Iter =      301 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.37s ; ETA =     9.33s
Iter =      326 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.40s ; ETA =     9.09s
Iter =      351 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.43s ; ETA =     8.75s
Iter =      376 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.46s ; ETA =     8.45s
Iter =      401 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.49s ; ETA =     8.22s
Iter =      426 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.52s ; ETA =     7.98s
Iter =      451 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.55s ; ETA =     7.96s
Iter =      476 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.58s ; ETA =     7.66s
Iter =      501 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.61s ; ETA =     7.45s
Iter =      526 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.64s ; ETA =     7.18s
Iter =      551 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.67s ; ETA =     6.85s
Iter =      576 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.71s ; ETA =     6.60s
Iter =      601 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.74s ; ETA =     6.32s
Iter =      626 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.77s ; ETA =     6.13s
Iter =      651 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.80s ; ETA =     5.87s
Iter =      676 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.83s ; ETA =     5.56s
Iter =      701 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.86s ; ETA =     5.36s
Iter =      726 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.89s ; ETA =     5.13s
Iter =      751 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.92s ; ETA =     4.77s
Iter =      776 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.95s ; ETA =     4.51s
Iter =      801 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     0.98s ; ETA =     4.32s
Iter =      826 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.01s ; ETA =     3.95s
Iter =      851 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.04s ; ETA =     3.79s
Iter =      876 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.07s ; ETA =     3.50s
Iter =      901 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.10s ; ETA =     3.26s
Iter =      926 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.13s ; ETA =     3.04s
Iter =      951 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.16s ; ETA =     2.78s
Iter =      976 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.19s ; ETA =     2.50s
Iter =     1001 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.23s ; ETA =     2.27s
Iter =     1026 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.26s ; ETA =     2.03s
Iter =     1051 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.29s ; ETA =     1.76s
Iter =     1076 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.32s ; ETA =     1.51s
Iter =     1101 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.35s ; ETA =     1.26s
Iter =     1126 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.38s ; ETA =     0.99s
Iter =     1151 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.41s ; ETA =     0.75s
Iter =     1176 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.44s ; ETA =     0.51s
Iter =     1201 ; Dt = 0.0012s ; Time =     1.47s ; ETA =     0.25s
Iter =     1226 ; Dt = 0.0002s ; Time =     1.50s ; ETA =     0.00s
|                               END                               |
Problem.solve() completed in 14.015119075775146s (wall time)

Plot the data saved

TIMES = []
H_t = []

filenames = [f for f in listdir('./outputs/hydrodynamic_h5_vortex')]
filenames = ['./outputs/hydrodynamic_h5_vortex/' + f for f in filenames]
order = [int(f[-4]) for f in filenames]
filenames = [f for _,f in sorted(zip(order, filenames))]

for filename in filenames:
    h5_reader = fk.H5Reader(filename = filename)
    x,_y, time, time_it_, H, U, V, W, HL, QX, QY, Rho, \
        topography , Hn, Un, Vn, \
        HLn, QXn, QYn, T, HT, Tn, HTn, positions, velocities = \


if not args.nographics:
    nb_l = 2
    nb_c = 3
    pos = 1
    fig = plt.figure(1)

    Eta0_slice = plot_free_surface_slice(\
            triangular_mesh, H_t[0], topography, fig,
            nb_l, nb_c, pos, TIMES[0])

    N_TIMES = len(TIMES)
    for i in range(1, N_TIMES):
        pos += 1
        label = True
        if i != 1:
            label = False
            triangular_mesh, H_t[i], topography, fig,
            nb_l, nb_c, pos, TIMES[i], Eta0_slice=Eta0_slice, label=label

os.system('rm inputs/tiny_square.msh')
t = 0.0, t = 0.3, t = 0.5, t = 0.8, t = 1.0, t = 1.3

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 15.232 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery